The consequences of Gilbert Simondon's Theory of Individuation for Politics

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Political Sciences and Thoughts, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, SBU.

2 PhD candidate in Political Thoughts, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Associate Professor, University of Tehran


The individual has been one of the contentious issues in the different knowledge. This has formed certain knowledge that its developments have had some important effects on other knowledge including politics. French technologist Gilbert Simondon, put a serious effort in this field. The purpose of this article is to describe briefly Simondonian theory of individuation and to specify the possibilities the theory has for the field of social sciences. The main question is which new possibilities are introduced by the late version of the theory of individuation for politics? Simondon rejected any principles of individuation. He insisted on the process of individuation and defined the becoming as an endless process, while encountering with various versions of Hylomorphism, especially Jungian analytical psychology, and maintaining a critical distance from cybernetics and mainstream phenomenology. This theory has numerous implications for politics, such as increasing the political credibility of the collective, de-principlizing, phase analysis, the return of the technical body to political analysis, and providing the equipment for revising the radical political theory. Simondon's theory gives political analysis a means of passage to Tranindividual. This makes it possible the dominant meaning of the individual to be questioned.


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