Regions can be objectively characterized in terms of geographical proximity, political-economic interaction, actors’ attributes, and shared values and experiences. Thus, although we have witnessed four models of theorization on the formation of regions and states’ regional tendencies in the international realms, theoretical reflection on regions’ behavior has been deliberately and directly addressed by rare scholars on regional studies. Having drawn on a descriptive-analytical method and some theoretical scholarship on IR and Regional Studies, the article seeks to develop a theoretical model explaining both relations among regions and variations in their behaviors towards each other. in this framework, drawing lessons learned from pathological evaluating conventional IR theories on regional behavior, and pursuing a normative purpose regarding the necessity of developing an eclectic theory, it concludes that within different temporal and spatial contexts, different regions usually display distinctively different behaviors in terms of being affected by power- interest- and identity-related considerations operating at intra-regional, inter-regional, and trans-regional levels.
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