The Structure of the Administrative System and the Process of Political Development During the Reform Period (7th and 8th Governments)

Document Type : Original Article



In the process of political development, the administrative system and its components play a facilitating and strategic role. One of the components of the administrative system that plays an important role in performance, achievement of goals and missions is the systematic organization of organizational structures. In the so-called reform era, the main focus of the government discourse is the political development. One of the main policies in Iran was to reform the administrative system and reorganize the structure and organization of the state in order to rationalize the size of the state, its efficiency and transfer of affairs to the people, and the expansion of social partnerships. ژنابراین  ابوالحسنی، 1390: 281) Therefore, the main question of this article is that how the evolution of the structure of the administrative system in the reform era has worked on the process of political development? The main hypothesis of this article is based on the fact that the transformation and reorganization of the structure of the administrative system in this period is on the process of political development both at the state and society level. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of improving the institutional structures of the administrative system on the process of political development during the reform period. The research methodology is descriptive-analytic.
