Impact of Syria Crisis on the New Regional and International Blockings

Document Type : Original Article



With the emerging of the political crisis in Syria, regional and trans-regional actors have made different policies based on their interests. Syria strategic importance in region and its role on the strategic point for the resistance axis and for the international powers’ expansionist motivations causes increasing the complexity of the crisis and creating new blocks with redefining the national security and interests. This article by an analytical-descriptive approach and using ducumetary resources, seeks to find out the motivation of regional and international actors by offensive realism framework and explain the Syria crisis role in the creating new blocks.
By regarding this, the main question is “what are the Syria crisis role on new regional and international bocks? Considering the multiplicity of actors, the role of U.S.A, I. R. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, E. U., China, Russia, Turkey have been studied. The result of the article indicates that Syria crisis had been changed the kind and nature of the regional and international allies.
