Arab League Positions for the Arab Spring;The Dual and Contradictory Positions

Document Type : Original Article



In 2011 and 2012, the League of Arab States took limited steps in relation to what has been known the “Arab Spring”.
While the situation in several Arab countries has been alarming and human rights were gravely violated for decades prior to the revolutions, the Arab League never took firm, serious steps in these situations. In fact, the position of the League on human rights violations leading up to and during the “Arab Spring” continued to be driven not by a coherent and systematic human rights policy but by political considerations. While the Arab League discussed the situations in Libya and Syria through the regular and extraordinary sessions of many of its bodies, the situations in Yemen and Bahrain did not attract similar attention, despite the seriousness of the violations being committed.
As our major question, we try to study the roots leading to the paradoxical position of League face to evolutions of Arab Spring. Based on Arabic texts and docs of League, the paper is a documented research.
