Hannah Arendt’s Philosophical Hermeneutics; In Accordance with The Interpretative Approch of Heidegger and Gadamer

Document Type : Original Article



If we consider the understanding of human affairs, politics and
community, with existentialist approach, as the foundation of
Arendt’s philosophical and political thinking, so this paper tries
to understand the meaning of understanding in Arendt’s thought
and its relation to her philosophical hermeneutics. In this regard,
we consider her interpretative approach in the text of tradition of
hermeneutics, especially in Heidegger’s and Gadamer’s hermeneutics.
The most similarities of Arendt, Heidegger and Gadamer
about understanding, are their Emphasize on the uniqueness, newness
and beginning every human being. They, also criticize essentialism,
reductionism, scientism and historicism and emphasizing
the importance of pre-assumptions in understanding. In their belief,
understanding is circular, situated and worldly. Of course the most
important similarity between their hermeneutics, is the will to deal
with phenomenon. Above all, story-telling, showing the researcher
as a unbiasesd viewer, use of differentiation and discrimination,
functioning of paradoxes and analyzing them to achieve the understanding,
and also use of taste and imagination, all are the special
characteristics of Arendt’s phenomenological hermeneutics.
