Transition from Personal Justice to Institutional Justice According to Mirza Malkam Khan Throught

Document Type : Original Article



This paper is an attempt to discuss about the justice concept according to MirzaMalkom Khan thought and to answer the questions about his inference and purpose from justice. The present research uses Skinner's intentionalism hermeneutics to show that MirzaMalkam Khan intended to change justice from a king attribution to an entity. He needed law making instead of Jing's tyrant commands and local autocratic system in order to achieve an institutionalized justice which he thought to be as justice ministry or EdalatKhaneh. He realized this dream through special tasks conducted in law office and compilation of unique rules for the country. He was affected by European countries and ottoman rules, in this regard. He believed that the institutional justice is the key to stability and security in Iran and provides the country with development and prosperity.
