The present research tries to investigate and analyze the impact of identity-ideological and historical factors on the political status of Turkish Alevis in different time series with an analytical method and using qualitative data obtained from library sources. In the current research, the political position of the Alevis of Turkey is assumed as a dependent variable and a function of the independent variable of the identity and political history of the Alevis. The results of the present research show that the Alevis of Turkey have always been considered outsiders and others due to their distinct identity and beliefs by the government and the majority group, and have always been a marginal player and opposition to the governments and political power of Turkey, and for this reason, the way different Turkish governments have faced With the Alevis of this country in various time series, there has not been a serious and appreciable break, and various governments with different ideologies have always limited the Alevis because of their identity and have not allowed them to be seriously present in the political and power scene of Turkey, and from this Because we are witnessing a kind of historical tradition in the political and power scene of Turkey to restrict the Alevis.
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safi, S. , and Movassaghi, A. . "Analytical study of the impact of identity and historical factors on the political status of Turkish Alevis", Political and International Approaches, 15, 1, 2023, 35-56. doi: 10.48308/piaj.2023.232447.1426
safi, S., Movassaghi, A. (2023). 'Analytical study of the impact of identity and historical factors on the political status of Turkish Alevis', Political and International Approaches, 15(1), pp. 35-56. doi: 10.48308/piaj.2023.232447.1426
S. safi and A. Movassaghi, "Analytical study of the impact of identity and historical factors on the political status of Turkish Alevis," Political and International Approaches, 15 1 (2023): 35-56, doi: 10.48308/piaj.2023.232447.1426
safi, S., Movassaghi, A. Analytical study of the impact of identity and historical factors on the political status of Turkish Alevis. Political and International Approaches, 2023; 15(1): 35-56. doi: 10.48308/piaj.2023.232447.1426