Geography of electoral systems and Iran's electoral system

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Phd of Political Geography,kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


Electoral system is a set of election implementation methods that by receiving citizens' votes. The rule of elites elected by the people to manage public affairs makes it an objective reality. In different countries, there are different electoral systems that have advantages and disadvantages. Some countries have tried to use the merits of two types of electoral systems by using combined and consolidated methods. Since the legislature in general political units consists of two parliaments. Some of these units use majority system for the first parliament and proportional system for the second parliament. Some also use two methods at the same time for one parliament. In countries that only use the majority method, Majority structure adjustment (which is ignorant of minorities) Political parties have been put in place to include minority candidates. In Iran, the legislature consists of a parliament and the election is a quarter of the election, To fix the existing defect, In this article, it is suggested that by amending the constitution, a legislative system will be formed from the first and second parliaments, so that while using the philosophy of the bicameral system, the electoral system of the first parliament will be considered by the majority method and the electoral system of the second parliament will be considered by the proportional method. In case of The rule of the unicameral legislative system. The elections of the first parliament should be conducted in a combined manner of two majoritarian and proportional systems to reduce the existing shortcomings to the minimum possible and accelerate national unity and solidarity in the process of sustainable development of the country.


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