A Conceptual Pattern of the Political Stability and Instability in Consolidation and Disconsolidation of the Political Systems: Causes, Trends and Outcomes
Department of Political Science, Faculty of Economic and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran-Iran
The subject-matter on the political stability and instability is of a paramount issue in the political science by which it could be effect on the (dis)consolidation of the political power. It was the matter that the political system faced very often, rather it did follow a new pattern by getting growing the modern civilizational establishments in throughout the world in recent centuries. The social equilibrium was the quintessential theory that promoted the related issues in sequence. Once a social equilibrium falls into decline, the whole political system as a result of the social one gets a tangle into the political instability and the political changes constantly till to reshape a new one. Based on the framework, it tried to show that what is the conceptual pattern of the political stability and instability occurrence in (dis)consolidating the political systems. The conceptual pattern is related to what is the cause of the political (in)stability, to what extent the political pressure from the abroad would be effect on the system functioning and what is the response of the political system to it by peaceful mechanism or restoring the force that could being lead to the stable or volatile situations. By the conceptual pattern, not only does it make a better framework to understand the subject-matter, does it a proper set to survey empirically on it.
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Gharayagh-Zandi, ِ. and Sadeghi, A. (2022). A Conceptual Pattern of the Political Stability and Instability in Consolidation and Disconsolidation of the Political Systems: Causes, Trends and Outcomes. Political and International Approaches, 13(3), 113-135. doi: 10.29252/piaj.2022.225461.1190
Gharayagh-Zandi, ِ. , and Sadeghi, A. . "A Conceptual Pattern of the Political Stability and Instability in Consolidation and Disconsolidation of the Political Systems: Causes, Trends and Outcomes", Political and International Approaches, 13, 3, 2022, 113-135. doi: 10.29252/piaj.2022.225461.1190
Gharayagh-Zandi, ِ., Sadeghi, A. (2022). 'A Conceptual Pattern of the Political Stability and Instability in Consolidation and Disconsolidation of the Political Systems: Causes, Trends and Outcomes', Political and International Approaches, 13(3), pp. 113-135. doi: 10.29252/piaj.2022.225461.1190
ِ. Gharayagh-Zandi and A. Sadeghi, "A Conceptual Pattern of the Political Stability and Instability in Consolidation and Disconsolidation of the Political Systems: Causes, Trends and Outcomes," Political and International Approaches, 13 3 (2022): 113-135, doi: 10.29252/piaj.2022.225461.1190
Gharayagh-Zandi, ِ., Sadeghi, A. A Conceptual Pattern of the Political Stability and Instability in Consolidation and Disconsolidation of the Political Systems: Causes, Trends and Outcomes. Political and International Approaches, 2022; 13(3): 113-135. doi: 10.29252/piaj.2022.225461.1190