State of exception and Coronation of corona in politics

Document Type : Original Article


1 political science, ferdowsi university , Mashhad, Iran

2 shahid beheshti



The coronavirus epidemic, has forced most states to declare a "state of exception". Although it is not possible to speak of a common understanding of this situation; But the declaration of a state of exception has been interpreted by thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Karl-Schmitt, and Giorgio Agamben in favor of increasing the established ruling power. While theoretically explaining the exceptional situation, the political and legal effects of declaring such a situation in France and its comparison with Iran are discussed. The main question of this article is how the political-biological consequences of declaring a state of exception in France and Iran have led to an increase in government powers, restrictions on the freedom of citizens, and ultimately the alignment of civil society against state rule. The state of exception declared in France under the "public interest" has led to the establishment of a police-military order in society, which has suspended the daily life of its citizens and cast a shadow over the continuation of the state of exception by perpetuating fear among the population. The exceptional situation created after the corona epidemic in Iran, although not as definite as in France, has produced dramatic political changes that are considered to be disruptive to the former social order. In fact, in both countries, the corona has become the driving force behind by declaring a state of exception, it has changed power relations in favor of government sovereignty.


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