Review of Iran-Russia Relations in the New Century: Strategic Alliance or Convergence of Interests

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD candidate in International Relations, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations Department, Kharazmi University



Over the past three decades, Russia's foreign policy has had different ups and downs against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and despite the Islamic Republic of Iran's intentions of widespread and comprehensive relations in the regional, international and bilateral spheres; in practice, the Russian government has been in favor of these relations It has always been in the form of a cross-sectional, unsustainable case. Today, despite the unprecedented cooperation of the two countries in confronting the Syrian arrogance and the alignment of positions on some issues with regard to possible changes in the relations between Russia and the United States, as well as continuation of its pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the perspective of some thinkers in this area, There is no clear prospect of continuing this cooperation, and this concerns the future approach of Russia to the continuation of cooperation between the two countries.The purpose of this article is to understand whether the existing bilateral foreign-security cooperation represents a strategic alliance or simply a product of short-term political interests, a temporary tactical alliance to deal with specific threats? It seems that the approach of the brokers of the two countries is different, while Tehran's decision makers consider the relationship between the two countries to be a "strategic" alliance, but Moscow's decision makers consider it only in the "tactical" dimension.


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