Thought Undiscovered Policy Area: The Excavate of the Foundations of the Aesthetic Method by Jacques Rancier

Document Type : Original Article


1 Univercity science and resrch

2 دانشگاه شهید بهشتی



Philosophical and sociological thought flows have provided a very diverse range of thoughtful and imaginative thoughts and are constantly trying to transform people into subjects of development and change. All the thinkers seek to promote ideas that aim at simultaneously rewarding the capacity of some humans like themselves and humiliating the authority of some other human beings. This has led to the creation of a turbulent and crowded society whose people live like silent, silent wanderers. Individuals are so dominated by philosophers and sociologists as if the true nature of man is the same, and no other substitute can be imagined. Jacques Rancier, a French-speaking thinker, is a critic of these intellectual currents and tries to attack the boundaries of representativeness of the schools of thought, politics, society, and philosophy instead of not paying attention to the dark realm of thought. In the following article, the author attempts to answer the question of how Ranser, using a static method, does not consider the positivist and discursive methods in political science and sociology. In answering this question, the aesthetic method, Mr. Rancier, looks at the power of poetry in human existence, the human being disappears in a vibrant, contemporary world. In answering this question, the aesthetic approach of Mr. Rancier, by looking at the power of poetry in human existence, has left man disappearing in a vibrantcontemporary world.


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