Civic Development an Development Studies

Document Type : Original Article


Tarbiat Modares University



In Iran, various answers have been given to the failure of development programs. The importance of the "intellectual foundations of development" has not, however, been taken into consideration in this regard. "Theories of Development" were initially developed by schools such as the “Economics of Growth » and « Modernization Theory», which were formulated based on the paradigmatic assumptions of "modern political science" and "classical economics." In recent decades, however, new theories of development, such as "Development Ethics" and "Human Hevelopment", have explicitly referred to two civic paradigms, namely the "public arena paradigm" and «Market Paradigm and have introduced norms such as "justice", "freedom", and "good life" into development issues. However, in the end, the tension between the two types of civic paradigms has also strained these new theories. Here, the "phenomenology of the civil" as a kind of intellectual-philosophical basis that can prepare development free from the tension existing Development Paradigms.


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