Shiite political theology and the political and social impact of the concept of expectation

Document Type : Original Article





Power has different faces: appearance/explicit and unseen/absence faces. The emerging face of power is further studied and generally in political science, this figure of power is studied but to understand the logic of political action in societies studying the hidden face of power can be very effective. The paper seeks to analyze the hidden power in the Shiite view and analyze the power behind apocalyptic belief in Shiite political thought. Our goal is to study parts of the hidden power which leads to obvious political action. An analysis of the movement of this kind of power from the mind / belief to everyday behavior and political action is an attempt will be done. We want to study the effects of power of absenteeism in terms of political mentality and political action. The power of absence is the same mental state, as the ideal form of government, within faithful members of a society. We interpret government of Expectation. We will analyze the political effects of the power of Faith in the absent Imam, as the most legitimate ruler, In the Shiite society with emphasis on justice, peace and collective identity. This paper studies the idea of the government of Expectation and the power of Absence Through phenomenological methodology.


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منابع لاتین
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