Influence of German Revolutionary Conservatism on New Eurasianism, the Relation between Carl Schmitt and Alexander Dugin

Document Type : Original Article



2 دانشگاه تهران



Carl Schmitt and Alexander Dugin are considered statist thinkers who synthesized nationalism and religiosity in order to construct a national political theology to consolidate the state and empower national strength. They both believe that the individual must derive meaning from the construct of «nation». This construct (nation) can only achieve sovereignty when, based on its distinct characteristics, it creates a border between «us» and «them» and, relying upon a powerful state, to protect this political and sovereign border by all means. Alexander Dugin has borrowed the fundamental concepts of Carl Schmitt›s philosophy, the German conservative thinker, and he has mixed it with the geopolitical needs of Russia in its era of decline and weakness after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Thus he has constructed a geopolitical anti-liberal school of thought which aims to consolidate the Russian nation-state by emphasizing upon its unique and sui generis characteristics. Russian Neo-Eurasianism, as understood by Dugin, is heavily influenced by German revolutionary conservatism and Carl Schmitt.




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