State and Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Implications of returning to the Natural State

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman



Covid-19's disease, as a biological cause of the coronavirus, has recently become a global phenomenon in terms of its prevalence and the number of people infected, It has also created a critical situation within governments and civil society.This contrasts with the situation that prevailed in governments before the spread of Covid-19's disease.The present article, in a philosophical way, claims this: the biological  is not in conflict with the political and there is no external relationship between them; That is, the pre-coronary state should not be considered as a natural state of Hobbes, but should be considered as a state that is going on within the state, and that, in the sense of a normal thing. Hence, the word of natural state has three meanings: Political signification refers to the government's policy of normalization and de-normalization, which was used during the corona outbreak and the emergence of a crisis situation in the country. In normalization, fear and adaptation, and in normalization, indifference and civil disregard for coronary-related health standards have been considered. Scientific implication refers to the policy of normalization, but due to problems such as unrecognizability, uncertainty and unpredictability of coronary heart disease, this has not been achieved. Social signification emphasizes daily life, habits and routine, and devaluation or normalization. In this sense, the policy of normalization has been based on limiting behavior and changing social lifestyles. Thus, the three meanings negate the negative meaning of the concept of status and also indicate the connection between the biological and the political.


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