development plans and empowerment of women after the revolution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Political Science, Shiraz University

2 PhD student of Shiraz University



This article has studied the development programs and performance of the vice presidency for women and family affairs until the end of the 12th government to answer the question of what role these programs and their main agent have played in women's political empowerment? The mentioned article uses Sarah Lange's empowerment theory. The research method is qualitative and with a causal approach, and the data has been collected and analyzed, as per development plans law and its performance report, the report of international institutions in the field of women and the track record of the vice Presidency for women and family affairs. The findings show that these programs were Completed and implemented mostly in order to increase the structural opportunities to improve the legal status of women, with a special interpretation of gender justice, due to the lack of power in Iranian women to benefit from the created opportunities, they have not been able to make a significant impact on the status of women. In such a situation, it seems that the application of the five stages of empowerment proposed by Sara Lange, which instead of legal structural changes, emphasizes more on women's agency and changes in economic conditions along with skill-based training, can be a better way to improve the status of womenandIt should be their socio-political empowerment because it is more compatible with Iran's conditions by rejecting feminist views and helps to localize empowerment in Iran.


  • منابع

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